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Writer's pictureAmy Neilson

Is Your Feminised Diet Making You Fat? Cutting Through the Marketing Hype

Is Your Feminised Diet Making You Fat? Cutting Through the Marketing Hype

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the way foods are marketed, especially towards women and those looking to lose weight.

This trend has led to what can be termed a "feminized diet," characterised by a strong emphasis on plant-based products and a demonisation of traditional protein sources like meat.

But is this cultural shift beneficial for women's health, or is it contributing to rising obesity rates?

In 2020/2021 data around 1 in 3 adults (aged 15 years and over) were classified as obese* (34.3%), up from 31.2% in 2019/20. There was a significant increase from 2019/20 to 2020/21 for women (31.9% to 35.9%), but not for men.

So, Is Your Feminised Diet Making You Fat? Cutting Through the Marketing Hype

The Plant-Based Push

Plant-based diets are undoubtedly in vogue. From green smoothies to vegan alternatives, these options are often lauded as the epitome of healthy eating.

The applause that follows ordering a green smoothie is palpable while opting for meat-centric dishes like bacon and eggs or steak can draw confused looks and silent judgments.

The Stigma Around Meat

Meat, especially in diets targeted at women, has become somewhat of a taboo. The perception is that meat-heavy meals are indulgent, overly masculine, and not in line with the ideals of a weight-loss diet. This sentiment is often reinforced by the marketing of foods, where plant-based options are presented as the healthier, more ethical choice.

The Sugar-Filled Alternatives

The irony lies in the fact that many of these 'healthier' options, like gluten-free granola bowls, are often laden with sugar and lacking in essential nutrients. They're marketed as virtuous and aligned with modern dietary ideals, yet they may contribute to weight gain and nutritional deficiencies.

The Impact on Women's Health

This feminised diet trend is troubling, particularly when considering the rising obesity rates among women. The cultural shift towards plant-based, supposedly healthier options, might be doing more harm than good.

Women's nutritional needs, especially those related to protein and other nutrients predominantly found in animal products, are not being adequately met by these trends.

Cutting Through the Noise

It's time to cut through the marketing noise and focus on what the body genuinely needs. This means looking beyond the current trends and understanding the nutritional value of various foods.

A balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups, including meat, is often more beneficial than a diet restricted to what is currently marketed as 'healthy.'

Cut The Crap... Eat More Steak

The feminised diet, with its heavy focus on plant-based foods and aversion to meat, may not be the healthiest option for women.

It's crucial to challenge these cultural norms and dietary trends, and instead focus on balanced, nutrient-rich diets that cater to individual health needs.

Understanding and acknowledging the nutritional gaps in these marketed 'healthy' diets is the first step toward making more informed food choices that support overall health and well-being.

Our guides and programmes can help you unlearn the crap you've been taught and relearn how to eat the food your body is craving.

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